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Showing posts with the label Here I Exalt

Phoenix Down

Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash   July 14th The day after I released a post contemplating my place as a writer at the crossroads of life, this dream came to me. And with this post, I have made my decision. First, let me tell you about the dream. The dream took place around what appeared to be a public office on a cloudy night. It looked like a smaller version of the Lincoln monument building with a big cobblestone courtyard and walls that squared around it. A crowd had gathered in front of a man seated on a chair in front of a big building and between its pillars. The man had eyes white with blindness and could best be described as the king from the animated movie Atlantis. The people appeared to have gathered for an election, but I am not sure. Some among the crowd seemed to think that this older man was unfit to lead them into the future and sought to retire him, even by force, if they deemed it necessary. Stepping out from the crowd was a group of folks, ready to introduce ch...

Wandering God

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash Dream (March 28th, 2022) Location : Unknown In this dream, I spoke with a woman about things regarding the church's operation. "Church Is where we learn to deal with our pet peeves, a young man states boldly, and his mom agrees. This perspective almost made the idea of church that we practice currently necessary for living a holy life and dealing with behaviors we are biased towards and justify in our hearts. I disagreed and claimed that you could do this without the church. Walking with Christ permits you a friend who willingly critiques your behaviors inside and outside of sermons preached on Sunday. If this was true, what then would be the purpose of the church? I would propose that the purpose of the church is not solely educational. In the beginning, education is essential; towards the end, we should understand how to glorify God in our daily lives. The middle is that difficult to categorize period of Christian life referred to as disci...


Photo by Jan Paweł Bochen on Unsplash Dreams : December 29th Breath of Life In this dream, I remember that while swimming at a neighborhood pool, I was trying to explain the mechanics of floating to someone. They were struggling to do it themselves, and I wanted to help. "You will float as long as there is air in your lungs." The basics for sure. The day was otherwise bright and beautiful; it was almost perfect. If only such a day were common. However, in the middle of its perfection and at the end of my lesson, things changed dramatically. The pool floor, its edges, and its shallows were gone in a moment. On top of that, the sky above seemed somehow distorted. Many of the cheerful swimmers just moments ago were now still and unmoving, drifting slowly and ominously towards an infinitely expansive floor as far as the eye could see. It was as if the pool had been at the bottom of the ocean, and we were just now aware of it. A wrecked ship lay below, corpses settled near it. Fe...

Red Fountains of Wine

What is the biblical perspective of alcohol, and should Christians drink, or should they avoid alcohol altogether? Thankfully, the  bible makes it very easy for us to answer these questions as there is a lot the bible has to say about alcohol. First, let's answer the moral question, is it a sin to consume alcohol? In Deuteronomy 14:26, the law of Moses says that one can purchase wine to drink, even intoxicating wine, during the tithe, the picnic involving Israel's journey to the place where God would set His name. The word used in verse 26, the intoxicating wine, Shekar (7941), wasn't juice. They would partake in such things in the presence of the Lord, as this is where the tithe was to be enjoyed. This verse calls to mind what is written in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." This is exactly what we see here during the feast of the tithe. In Jeremiah 35:1-14, God invites the Rechabites to His house ...

Sword of the Spirit

  April 1, 2021 I dreamt that I was speaking to a guy about demon-striking blades. He unsheathed a sword and told me that it is his weapon of choice. I told him, "I understand; I too face the devil with a sword. However, when you see the devil, you must wait before you strike. If you don't, heads might roll that isn't his, but the head of someone you know and love." This is due to a spirit's ability to overshadow a person, covering them like a cloak. If one is not careful, they will strike the person instead of the spirit. The goal here seems to be to divide the spirit from the individual's body, not strike the person themselves. A theory as to what that blade might be? John 1:1-1, in the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  Ephesians 6:12, We struggle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the powers of this dark world and spiritual wickedness in high places . Ephesians 6:17 , ...


A short dream; I was on Facebook, scrolling through one of my Facebook groups, and a question was posed, "Is the bible socialist?" In the comments, everyone said no. I was thinking of whether I should respond or not with a contrary notion. That being that the bible leans towards socialism over capitalism despite it not being socialist either. As I began to straddle the border of the waking and the resting world, verses came to mind regarding the Bible's politics. Firstly, I intend to explore this thought regarding biblical socialism, and afterward, I intend to write about a system which is more biblically accurate. Now, biblically speaking, we don't see capitalism or socialism because scripture shows that God owns the means of production. This is why when we talk about biblical economics, it's better to look at the law directly.  Ownership: Who owns the means of production. A fair place to start right? Israel's land was parcelled out by God, and the punishment...

God Eater

Please excuse the delay. I had my wisdom teeth removed and spent most of my recovery time sleeping. I'm sore, but I'm back. The dreams I had as of late are a bit weirder than the one I have written below. This week I will try to catch up by posting extra dreams. Hope you are all doing well!   Dream 02/23/21 A young man was at a school with his brother who did photography for one of the classes. He did this despite not being apart of the class. While on the way home, his brother vanishes. A woman he did not know began to aid him in his search for his brother. They went to a garage where the thought hits him "This lady may have tricked me into sacrificing him for power, and now he might have been wandering through an alternate dimension of rain and darkness because of me."  The garage was connected to a realm of darkness. Without any hesitation, he opened the door and peered out into the darkness. Just outside the door was a two-story tall, dark god with skin as black a...


Photo by aslam mac on Unsplash Dream 02/20/21 I glanced at a book in a dream, the dream I have forgotten but the book I have not. The book was a guide for couples, and it got me thinking, "Why not contemplate the topic of love?" For the sake of keeping this pg, I am not gonna state the title of this book here, nor its content; however, in place of the name, I shall use a word that describes the color of the book: that color being Magenta. Jesus says that the entire law of Moses could be fulfilled in two commands. Those commands being, "Love others, and Love God." In the context of community, we both love others and are loved by others. I would like to expound upon this statement by imagining two postures: a receptive posture and a posture of distribution. In other words, we give love, and at other times we receive love.  Love is communicated from one person to another in many ways. If we don't understand what love looks like, it becomes easy to misidentify it. ...

Pain & Purpose

  Dream: 02/10/2021 In this dream, I had an apartment with my brother. A narrator's voice asked me a question of purpose, the exact question I have forgotten. As I sat alone, waiting on Kamaree to return to the room, I began to contemplate the question of purpose. Sadly I have no recollection of those contemplations, so I will substitute with the movie I believe inspired the dream. The Muse : SPOILER ALERT AHEAD! If you are still reading this, I will assume you have watched the movie or that you don't care about spoilers. Whatever the reason, here we go. The night of this dream I had watched the movie "Hugo." The film was directed and produced by Martin Scorsese and adapted by John Logan . The film is based on a 2007 book by Brian Selznick called "The Invention of Hugo Cabret." The film itself is a piece of historical fiction that observes from afar, through the eyes of Hugo, the life of a legend from the real world within the early history of film. Most of...

Xenoglossia & Spirit Baptism

Glossolalia and Xenoglossia : A bit of a word study before we start. Xenoglossia is the phenomenon of speaking in a language that one does not know through supernatural means. Glossolalia is the practice of speaking in an unknown or inhuman language. Today we will be looking at the phenomenon of Xenoglossia, not Glossolalia. February/5/2021 Xenoglossia : In a dream on the fifth, I was talking to someone about the gift of tongues. Within the dream, It was stated that tongues are not to be used without an interpretation. Upon waking up, this made me wonder if Paul used tongues only in the context of other people and not in the context of solitude. This, of course, assumes that what happened in Acts 2 is the same thing that happened in Acts 10:44-46 wherein those present spoke in tongues, and it was also described as praises to God. So when Paul says, "I am glad that I speak in tongues more than any of you." Would that be due to Paul's constant traveling? Is he describing a ...

Standing Still

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash November 25, 2020 In this dream, a tribe of mer-people (like Mermaids, but both genders) decided to leave the sea and make a home for themselves on dry land. However, a flood came and the people began to panic as the sea desperately reached for it’s old friends. Zeus and Poseidon came down from  heaven and said to the people, "This storm will pass, and you will not die.” The people did not trust the gods' word, so they returned to the sea as mer-people with a plan. Their fishtails returned, and they performed a beautifully haunting song and dance. It was like a hum, but much more powerful. Simultaneously they danced through the sea until it had been lulled into tranquility. Afterward, they returned to dry land and their human-like form, handing Poseidon his  Triton as they passed him by. It's easy to believe them when the storm is far away. However, our faith is tested under the pressure of the storm when it has arrived. The gods said not...