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Xenoglossia & Spirit Baptism

Glossolalia and Xenoglossia:

A bit of a word study before we start. Xenoglossia is the phenomenon of speaking in a language that one does not know through supernatural means. Glossolalia is the practice of speaking in an unknown or inhuman language. Today we will be looking at the phenomenon of Xenoglossia, not Glossolalia.



In a dream on the fifth, I was talking to someone about the gift of tongues. Within the dream, It was stated that tongues are not to be used without an interpretation. Upon waking up, this made me wonder if Paul used tongues only in the context of other people and not in the context of solitude. This, of course, assumes that what happened in Acts 2 is the same thing that happened in Acts 10:44-46 wherein those present spoke in tongues, and it was also described as praises to God.

So when Paul says, "I am glad that I speak in tongues more than any of you." Would that be due to Paul's constant traveling? Is he describing a similar event to this moment described in Acts 2:7-8 in which it says, " They were amazed and astonished, saying, Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born?" In Acts 2:11, they go on to say, " Cretans and Arabs - we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty deeds of God." I could only wonder at how common this might have been.

Continuing with the topic of tongues, one might wonder, what is the purpose of tongues, and why does Paul say that prophecy is greater than tongues? 1 Corinthians 14:6-11, "If I come to you speaking in a language that you do not know, it does not profit the church. How could it if they do not understand what is being said? 1 Corinthians 14:12. If you are eager for spiritual gifts, then seek those that edify the church, such as prophecy".

1 Corinthians 14:13-19, "We pray for the interpretation of tongues so that we are not edifying ourselves but so that we are edifying the church as a whole." 1 Corinthians 14:26, "What we do must be done for the edification of the church. Personal edification is inferior to the edification of the church as a whole." 1 Corinthians 14:27-28, "If there is no interpretation of tongues, it is better to be quiet as it does not edify the church." The chapter begins by saying that tongues are equal to prophecy when there is an interpretation of tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:1-5.

When tongues fulfill this same function, it is equal with, and not inferior to, prophecy. However, its equality is predicated on edifying the body of Christ just as prophecy does. As a prophecy is given by God to be shared with His people, it would appear that tongues are meant to be shared similarly. In this way, Paul states that the church's edification as a whole trumps our personal edification.

Spirit Baptism:

Concerning tongues is the act of praying in the Spirit. I was often confused as to whether or not it was the same as speaking in tongues or not. On the basis that these are two different phenomena, what does it mean to pray in the Spirit? We could look at what it is to walk in the spirit as a comparative example to know what this means.

The most obvious example could be extracted from the life of Jesus. In Luke 3:21-22, Jesus is baptized in water and then filled with the Holy Spirit. In the very next chapter, Luke 4:1, we see Jesus being led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. To walk in the Spirit is an act of submission to the leadership and the authority of the Spirit of God in our lives.

In Psalm 32:8, it says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My loving eye on you." We see this happening in Acts 13:2, the Spirit directed the people to set aside Paul and Barnabas for the work He had in mind for them. Acts 13:4, The Spirit of God sent them out just as He did to Jesus while He walked the mortal world. Acts 16:6-7, the Holy Spirit opposed Paul and his companions as they spread out to share the gospel. Here are just a few other examples that can be found in Acts 8:29, Acts 10:19-20, Acts 11:12, and lastly in Acts 20:22.

Amazingly the Old Testament is full of examples of similar experiences, including the laying on of hands (Deuteronomy 34:9) and gifts granted by the Spirit of God for His purposes. We can see this throughout the Exodus period and in the life of Gideon, Samson, and Jahaziel (2 Chronicles 20:13-17) as a few such examples.

If walking in the Spirit and praying in the Spirit could be compared in the way they manifest, then I would be tempted to believe that the act of praying in the Spirit is an act of submission to God in much the same way that walking in the Spirit is. This would look like listening to God with patience for anything that He might call to mind as we pray.

I really enjoyed writing this post as it is an interesting topic to think about. I hope you found it as interesting to read as I found it to write.

I pray that this last bit of scripture brings peace to your soul in these uncertain times as it does for me.
  • Isaiah 30:21; Whether you turn to the left or the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way: walk in it."


  1. Heresy!!!! Jk. I think you’re on the right track. I think it’s fascinating that the Bible also talks about nonbelievers being turned away by hearing believers speaking in tongues in a congregation. It seems that we ought to deal with tongues with greater reverence, paying greater attention to what scripture says about it.

    1. Exactly! Glad you pointed out that verse because I certainly agree. :D


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