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Phoenix Down

Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash


July 14th

The day after I released a post contemplating my place as a writer at the crossroads of life, this dream came to me. And with this post, I have made my decision.

First, let me tell you about the dream. The dream took place around what appeared to be a public office on a cloudy night. It looked like a smaller version of the Lincoln monument building with a big cobblestone courtyard and walls that squared around it. A crowd had gathered in front of a man seated on a chair in front of a big building and between its pillars. The man had eyes white with blindness and could best be described as the king from the animated movie Atlantis. The people appeared to have gathered for an election, but I am not sure. Some among the crowd seemed to think that this older man was unfit to lead them into the future and sought to retire him, even by force, if they deemed it necessary.

Stepping out from the crowd was a group of folks, ready to introduce change by any means necessary. With a single thrust of the fist, jets of flame were spewed toward the seemingly torpid man, causing the crowd to disperse. In response to their assault, the enthroned man had suddenly taken to his feet, and with a gentle motion, he parted his arms, and the flames were divided around him. For a moment, I saw the world through his eyes, everything was dark, but it looked more like a darkened tv static than anything. Strength had filled his bones; it was like watching a dead man return to life right before our eyes.

As the assassins hurled more flames toward him, he quickly sidestepped them by not only seeing a slight change in color in their general vicinity but also responding to the changes in the temperature of the air around him as the flames approached. He used this to make split-second movements that, for the most part, were dexterous enough for him to evade most of the attacks.

At one point, water was being manipulated similarly as a weapon of betrayal with no success as the rising man was able to use that element as skillfully as any water-bender. Still, my memories of this part of the fight have nearly faded. It then started raining on the battlefield, and a song began to play. I think the song was an instrumental of Trainwreck by James Arthur. I couldn't help but notice that the rain looked odd; it was a dark brown color, and it seemed to have an abnormal consistency. It wasn't water at all. The scrambling spectators realized it too late. The remaining assailants from before set began to set everything on fire, added by the flammable liquid that was now covering everything. Concurrently, the battle continued in the background, and the music kept playing. I awoke to the sound of ghostly music and the screams of caged civilians begging for help. It was a strange dream indeed.

Who was the man they tried to kill? The man was a figure called the Avatar. In Avatar the Last Airbender, the Avatar is a figure capable of manipulating the four elements and acts as a bridge between the human and the spirit world. Nobody knew that the man they tried to kill was the Avatar; none cared once they learned the truth. They were too committed to their revolution to care. Of note is the fact that the assailants themselves were primarily, but not exclusively, fire-benders,

As an American citizen, I assumed that this man could have represented the current President of the United States, Joe Biden.  If the Avatar here were from the Fire Nation, then it would have been his people who were resisting him. The Fire Nation is also the most westward nation in Avatar, the last Air-bender, which is why I associated them with the west. If this were true, I would respond to this dream by praying for our President.  At 79 years of age, only three years the senior of Trump, some have questioned his ability to lead as our President. At times, I have as well. January sixth testifies to the validity of some treasonous thoughts communicated against the President and expressed by some regardless of what the bible says for believers to do in the presence of leadership they disagree with, a revolution not being one of them. Regardless of it all, I will pray for Biden. From one believer to another, God bless you, Joe, and may God continue to do whatever seems good to Him.


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