A short dream; I was on Facebook, scrolling through one of my Facebook groups, and a question was posed, "Is the bible socialist?" In the comments, everyone said no. I was thinking of whether I should respond or not with a contrary notion. That being that the bible leans towards socialism over capitalism despite it not being socialist either. As I began to straddle the border of the waking and the resting world, verses came to mind regarding the Bible's politics. Firstly, I intend to explore this thought regarding biblical socialism, and afterward, I intend to write about a system which is more biblically accurate. Now, biblically speaking, we don't see capitalism or socialism because scripture shows that God owns the means of production. This is why when we talk about biblical economics, it's better to look at the law directly. Ownership: Who owns the means of production. A fair place to start right? Israel's land was parcelled out by God, and the punishment...
A philosophical exploration of dreams and their relevance to the waking world.