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Voices of Dreams

August 12/2021

In this dream, the world was being conquered by aliens while power rangers had united to fight back. My brother saw a few of them post-fight, and their signature colors had partly mixed with one another's costumes. Their suits looked primarily white, with colors woven in a way that I can't remember. I was disgusted because somehow, this could be interpreted sexually. Anywho, the aliens fought in cuttlefish/Pac-Man-shaped flying saucers while the rangers traveled around in a crappy car. Over the length of time in this desert battlefield, the rangers would be reduced to two remaining.

The two were brothers and decided to finally retreat. One of them began taking on beastly forms on the way back, and something happened I've experienced before. I began to hear myself shaping the story in the background. I heard myself talking about the beastly transformation. He changed into a wolf; however, I would go on to describe this wolf as a boar-like creature, and surprisingly, He changed again. These changes would not stop until a boar with a lion's mane and the grand stature of a titan had stood before the ranger. The perfect beast and friend.

I've heard this before, usually at the beginning of the dream, not here in the middle.

The dream continued on where we had entered a city after being chased through the night. The city was of a middle eastern design with clay-built houses. As we walked through the narrow streets, we stopped by a place where a very tiny creature popped out and climbed down a nearby tree. It was human-shaped, and it asked for its payment of meat. We gave the beast a few circular pieces of what looked like a vibrant yellow "meat." And it scampered off to place them in a nest in the tree with other pieces of meat.

Meanwhile, another creature had come to inhabit the towering boar-like creature. As the dream would progress so would new transformations as the beast had grown a giant furry fin, similar to that of a stegosaurus. The beast had entered by way of a long sticky tongue and was content to make his home within. Strange indeed.

August 12/2021


I listened to a guy excitedly talk about a video game as if it was a toy for kids. Similar to how some commercials have that super high-energy voice actor that sounded like he had some good ole super hyper extreme coffee, which is real by the way. Anywho, the game he described was called "Scupa."

Scupa was a game for children around the ages of 3+, and it takes place in different everyday environments (like home bathrooms, kitchens, etc.). Characters use stretchy gummy slappers to hit an opponent and attempt to peel a sticker off of them. Each character could be customized with different stickers. The little characters could run around the room and stick to walls, including the perspective wall of the player as if attached to the camera recording the event. The characters reminded me of sour patch kids and came in different colors and were about the size of a small child. Strange how I go from narrating in one dream to some random guy I had never even seen.

Hi! Got a sec?

I"m back! Please excuse my absence! I have been in and out of town this summer and later got covid. Regardless, I am back and hopefully will have more interesting dreams in the future. I just wanted to let you all know that I am nearly finished with a website to host my blog, and I have just released a book on Amazon Kindle. So a lot has been going, anywho, more details to come.


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