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Already White

A beautiful field of wheat under the sun

Photo by David Becker on Unsplash

September 24: Two Dreams

Elohim (Gods) Without Borders

Ancient beings said to be millions of years older than creation. This dialogue took place in a realm of darkness, seemingly space itself, only empty of stars, planets, etc. A single triangular shape was illuminated by streaming and curving colors of light in this black and grey void. The dream was colored in various shades of gray and black to give the illusion of bright light. An eye was in the triangle/pyramid, the object was titanic. A figure was levitated up towards the center of the object. A human, I suppose. If I had to guess the job title, it would be an Astro-Archaeologist. They were trying and failing to understand the meaning of the pictographs that were scrawled along its surface. Who these ancient beings were on the other side of this gate remained a mystery. Apparently, mankind had served them for millions of years before currently known history. Who were these mysterious Gods that were known by the entire world? Genesis 4:26, Genesis 20:1-6, Exodus 12:38, Jonah 1:1-2, and 2 Chronicles 35:20-25 NKJV; These are some scriptures that really seemed to fit the theme of the dream.

The Witness

I was contemplating something I had heard; it was called "The Ya Blanca Incident." One meaning of ya in Spanish is "already," whereas Blanca means "white." Thus Ya Blanca can mean "already white." The Ya Blanca incident was an event covered up by three separate countries. I only remember the names of two. America was one of the countries, Israel was the second involved. Sometime later, a woman is allowed entrance to whatever was discovered at the site of the event. This was done to see if the rest of mankind would be ready to hear about what was discovered. It was also a test to see if, and then how, its power would affect someone if they got close to it. John 4:35 NKJ; Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest?' Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.

Some Unfinished Business

As the dream continued towards its conclusion, I saw a tall theatre that looked like a hotel; "Preach" was written on a banner over one side of the building (the right side), “His coming or He is coming" was written on a banner over the left side. Luke 10:2; Jesus said to them, the harvest is great, but the laborers are few; pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers into His harvest. There is still work to be done, Matthew 24:14.

Citation: “Uses of Ya - Part 1.” Yabla Spanish - Free Spanish Lessons. yabla, n.d.


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