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Ad Nauseam

  Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash July 17, dream In this dream, I had seen a pyramid that was said to be asleep. However, its slumber was disturbed due to the presence of a young man. "When you're awake, this place feels more sadistic." A soldier spoke these words to the young man, which were true. The trees would move within the space of the pyramid that stood within an immense pyramid. In this place, the military was present and looking for Hypnogogic runes. These spells granted one the power of Unas, the God eater. For the one who found them, he would devour all the gods. There was a room I found myself in; runes were etched into the wall of a secret room. Each one was surrounded by blue lightning and set on a nearby wall. The pyramid had made its choice, and its power would be mine. Simultaneously, two friends of mine were getting married in this same pyramid. I was in attendance at both weddings and was wanting to congratulate my friends, but I was torn. My lust ...

Iron Egress: Beyond the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

  Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash March 29th, 2022 Afro-Latina; in this dream, I only remember that I had been discussing this kind of ethnic heritage with someone, but I’m not sure of the context. During the conversation, I even remember seeing the visage of an Afro-Latina woman with honey-colored skin and a big curly afro. The dream changed tones quite dramatically from here when a disembodied voice said, “research the white slaves of Egypt, Asia, and other countries.” In the waking world, I decided to research the white slave trade in Egypt and found it fascinating indeed.  The articles I've read speak of the Circassian slaves of Egypt from Georgia and the Barbary slave trade that involved peoples from Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Iceland, Southwest Britain, and the Eastern Mediterranean. Both of these were said by some to have lasted hundreds of years. As I continued my search, I only found more information on human trafficking that I didn't know I didn't know. Among...

Wandering God

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash Dream (March 28th, 2022) Location : Unknown In this dream, I spoke with a woman about things regarding the church's operation. "Church Is where we learn to deal with our pet peeves, a young man states boldly, and his mom agrees. This perspective almost made the idea of church that we practice currently necessary for living a holy life and dealing with behaviors we are biased towards and justify in our hearts. I disagreed and claimed that you could do this without the church. Walking with Christ permits you a friend who willingly critiques your behaviors inside and outside of sermons preached on Sunday. If this was true, what then would be the purpose of the church? I would propose that the purpose of the church is not solely educational. In the beginning, education is essential; towards the end, we should understand how to glorify God in our daily lives. The middle is that difficult to categorize period of Christian life referred to as disci...

Rocky Road, Vanilla Expectations

  February 16, 2022 In this dream, my family and I visited my grandparents in Alabama. When we arrived, my grandfather greeted us with a smile. Seeing him was like seeing home after a long trip. Shortly after our arrival, my dad and I began exploring the back room with a blacklight. My grandparent's house was haunted, and we were going to look for evidence of the supernatural. My father had a UV light, and I brought along flashlights, one for me and the other for him. We explored my grandparent's bedroom and bathroom as they had the most significant activity. The bedroom itself seemed quiet, but the master bathroom was not. Using the blacklight, we could see fingerprints all along the walls of the master bath, definitely not those of my grandparents. A growing sense of dread and anticipation filled the pit of my stomach. Concurrently, the door started to swing close behind us. Something sinister was making itself known. However, we managed to push through the door just before i...

Walking in Her Shoes

  Photo by Shahzad Faisal on Unsplash January 31 This dream took place in a mall. I was walking around with my brother, and by chance, I noticed that I was walking around while wearing my mother's shoes. For the most part, nobody noticed because they were not looking down. "People tend to look up unless given a reason to look down." I could only hope it was true. Over time, it proved accurate; people did not notice anything for one reason or another because they failed to look down. How fortunate. However, LadyLuck's powers were limited, and foolishness would break whatever spell she had cast.  I don't know why I decided to climb a ladder, but I did; it was set next to a bar inside of a busy restaurant. As I attempted to accomplish some forgotten task, I momentarily forgot my shame which was now on full display. Behold! A man is wearing his mother's sandals! The restaurant was well lit and had a clear view of the parking lot. Guests coming in, staff, and thos...

Enemy of Desire

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash I believe I had this dream around January 11th. It took place on what looked like a massive cargo ship used as a school. I'm not sure what kind of school this was, but the idea of an ocean liner college sounds exciting. The boat reminded me of something from a movie I watched called "Ghost Ship." The film is about a group of people who wake up on a mysterious ship with no memory of how they got there. Anywho, the first scene took place in a very spacious room; it appeared to be the length of several football fields with a ceiling at least five stories up. The walls were made of steel, while the floor seemed concrete.  The ship was sailing to the United States. I had no idea where we had been, and it didn't matter; the journey was already over. It was currently night, so many of us were getting ready to sleep on mats spread out across the concrete floor. We would be sleeping in a large open room full of shelves and pallets stacked ...