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Showing posts from May, 2021

Dream Characters

May 4th Jennifer Scarlet, a female interviewer that starts working as an investigative journalist. She begins by interviewing her favorite actor, an eccentric man, in his lovely home alongside her more experienced co-host, a seasoned journalist in his late 30's or early 40's. The camera crew had to guide her on where to sit to best fit herself into the camera's line of sight because she was doing a horrible job. She seemed uncomfortable sitting near her idol and her co-cost, which often led her to sit off-camera or far from the others. Despite all of this, s he is later allowed to interview someone even greater than her idol, and she will do it without a co-host. Despite her lack of skill, she is requested to interview the immortal assassin known as Singbit/Singbite. He chose her specifically, and she decided to take the job. As I began to cross into the waking world, the dream became jumbled up with my waking thoughts; together, the two began to tell the story of Singbit...


May 30, 2021 In this dream, I found myself deep in some jungle with a missionary organization. A little girl stood nearby explaining how she wanted to be a missionary in Africa when she was old enough to do so, similar to those within the organization that came to help her. She grew up in poverty but was now in the care of this organization. She was happy despite the poverty around her that warranted their arrival. During the course of my time with her, I saw a different look creep across her face; she was nervous about something. According to her, lion-like creatures would appear in this time of the year; their prey of choice was often the monkeys that lived in the treetops. However, anything within reach was fair game. Worst the things that walked among them. When the beast would come, humanoid creatures would walk among them, moving slowly to avoid being noticed by the missionaries in the camp or the tribesman. They would easily blend into the surrounding forest to chilling effect....

Red Fountains of Wine

What is the biblical perspective of alcohol, and should Christians drink, or should they avoid alcohol altogether? Thankfully, the  bible makes it very easy for us to answer these questions as there is a lot the bible has to say about alcohol. First, let's answer the moral question, is it a sin to consume alcohol? In Deuteronomy 14:26, the law of Moses says that one can purchase wine to drink, even intoxicating wine, during the tithe, the picnic involving Israel's journey to the place where God would set His name. The word used in verse 26, the intoxicating wine, Shekar (7941), wasn't juice. They would partake in such things in the presence of the Lord, as this is where the tithe was to be enjoyed. This verse calls to mind what is written in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." This is exactly what we see here during the feast of the tithe. In Jeremiah 35:1-14, God invites the Rechabites to His house ...

Gray & Lupine

Dream April 30th, 2021 In this dream, I witnessed the interaction of two camps of were-folk that were in the middle of territorial conflicts. One camp considered itself morally good while simultaneously perceiving the other as morally gray and dangerous. This dream followed the perspective of the alpha of those that considered themselves to be good. The dream began in a hospital where he encountered a few members of the other camp. They came looking for him as he walked through the building and recognized him by his scent. They easily sniffed him out from among a crowd of people that filled the small hospital. Quickly he was tackled to the ground and dragged to the roof. He had little ability to resist them because he was alone at the moment versus the organized team of were-folk. The other were-folk began to take on massive spider-like forms to try and sedate him. One, in particular, appeared as a centenarian beast with a spider's lower body and a humanoid upper body with an exosk...