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Showing posts from December, 2020

Settling for Happiness

December 16th I was on my way home with my brother and my nephew. We passed through a few neighborhoods and an abandoned mall. As we walked through the empty mall, we had to drop down to a lower level if we were to proceed. To do so safely, I manifested an invisible box-shaped force field beneath me to break my fall. From there, we pressed on, tiptoeing past a lit room to our left and through a series of doors on our right. Sadly, my nephew couldn’t exit the building because of confusion from all the doors. It also did not help that he changed shape between a child and a big dog... No idea why. I snuck back in to help get him out. However, I saw a man walking through the abandoned place as he approached my nephew on my way back in.  When I got inside, I walked past them and tried to move through the empty mall unsuspectedly, pretending that nothing in this abandoned mall was suspicious. They didn't buy it, and they had seen my powers from before. My nephew was nowhere to be seen, ...

Preferred Prey

Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash December 4, 2020 In this dream, I was watching a tv show. A were-cat (not to be confused with a werewolf) was living on his own in a post-apocalyptic world. I shall call him "Prey." As he walked, he found himself upon an elevated plain where another were-cat appeared that I shall call "Hunter."  Hunter saw Prey, and both men responded to each other by shifting from human form into a semi-human form with long tails and spotted fur, like cheetahs or jaguars. A 70mph chase ensued across the plateau with Hunter in hot pursuit. Because both were running at the same speed, this was not a chase that would end quickly.  Both men had limited stamina, just like actual big cats. Eventually, the chase came to an end when their energy ran out. Hunter proposed a truce because they found themselves surrounded by trees (bear territory) and it would be safer if they stuck together. Both agreed to this plan, and they began journeying out of the fores...

Posting Schedule

  Photo by Mille Sanders on Unsplash Today I am happy to announce my posting schedule! I intended to do it at some point; why not today? Each week I plan to do between 1-2 posts. These posts will be a compilation of the dreams I have had over the week and the lessons I have learned over that time. This depends on whether I can extract any lessons from the dreams themselves. I intend to post on the weekends, once on Friday or Saturday, and perhaps once on Sunday. Just a heads up!  A big thanks to everyone that swings by to read my posts when they have the time! I hope they are not too weird. "Smiley Face Emoji."